As part of our ongoing Omni Talk Spotlight Series, this week Chris and Anne sit down with Sean Snyder, Founder and President of
Engagement Agents. Engagement Agents is a cool, new startup out of Toronto with a brilliant and simple solution. A long-time friend of Omni
Talk, Sean is doing some really interesting stuff.
For example, did you know that nearly every retailer pays for marketing opportunities at shopping centers within their leases, but 90% of retailers do not engage or actively manage these already paid for channels?
We know — crazy, right? But it is true.
Burdened by organizational complications, retailers struggle to figure out how to manage these opportunities. Engagement Agents solves these problems by managing this coordination on behalf of retailers through its proprietary platform.
It is a cool listen about a cool idea.
You can find our podcast interview with Sean on SoundCloud and iTunes or by clicking on the links below: